I was so lucky last wednesday to get to play bari sax with
Holly Miranda. Her music is beautiful, and everyone in her band was so warm, nice and genuine. The place was packed, and on one song she brought out an 18 piece choir of all her friends. I played on a majority of the songs, but when i wasnt playing, I took a few pics...

here are some color ones...it was very hard to take pictures, on account of how crowded it was...and I had to stay close to back stage, so i could be on and off easily...

There was an awesome after-party at the
Ace Hotel. Holly and various people DJed in this GORGEOUS hotel bar...it looked like something from an old movie!

I'm really glad I could be there. I have been pretty sick, and my joints were super sore and stiff. (I had parvo-virus, which is not a huge deal, but it was pretty painful) I was determined to have fun and play my ass off, though...no matter what. I may have partied and drank a little whiskey too...
Regardless, that was one of my favorite shows I have played in a long time, and I'm thankful to be part of that momment.