So, immediately after I saw my dad play with Spoon at Lollapalooza, I had to high-tail it to
Art On Track, a mobile art gallery ON A CTA TRAIN. My step-mom, Susan Blackman helped organize it, and get the event press and a handly FIJI water sponsorship...way to go, Susan. She also helped curate one of the train cars; she is an art dealer, with her own business,
Art Advisory Ltd. I got to check out all of the 8-car train, and it was awesome...

Art Pimp and Ho's? Thats my guess.....

These were part of this crazy, like, laugh car. They had improv comedy on one end, then you would walk through the body of the train, and it was turned into a corridor of creepy laughing heads, like these....

There were eyes all over the ceiling....

On the other end of this car, there were Barbies everywhere, all holding little signs that said "laugh", or "applause"

My dad and brother amongst the Barbies.

Another car had a live fashion show in it, put on by
House of Frog. If you entered one end of the train, you watched the fashion show...if you entered from the other end, you were IN it!

The next car was "Live Blued Girls"...there was blue light and blue balloons everywhere, and everyone was wearing blue wigs....weird

I ran into an old friend in that crazy blue train!

This was from the car my step mom Susan helped curate.

Spudnik press was making prints in the back!

This car had these lights, hooked to magnets, that you could place all over the car.

It was really cool.

This car, by the group
3 Blondes and a Bald Guy, was like a performance art installation. They turned the car into a home, and a girl played Suzy homemaker, while a guy played the dopey teen getting ready for a big date!

This was one of my favorite pieces in the whole show!

In this car, which was a cool mix of urban art with that weird conceptual piece of the girl in the pillows, one of the artists was encouraging us to climb on the seats.

This car had all these boxes with different kinds of faces drawn on....

The CTA art ho's strike again!!!!

My step mom figured the best way to show she was in charge of stuff was to wear a tiara....it worked.
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