Monday, June 7, 2010

Brooklyn Apiary

My good friend Ben keeps bees up on a Prospect Heights roof. He had done this once before, as a kid in Massachusetts, and what with bees no longer being considered "live stock" by city law, urban apiaries are popping up all over. I had been terrified of bees as a child, but now I think they're awesome.


This is the sugar water that will feed them until the right season when there will be enough flowers around for them...

This is the smoker...used to sedate the bees before you open up the hive to check 'em out...

Suited up in some safety gear, however, these bees were SUPER one got stung, and I wasnt wearing any nets or anything...

Smokin' 'em

I got to see the baby bees, the grubs, in the little honey comb holes....eventually you put in boxs that the queen can't get to lay eggs in, worker bees make honey in them, and thats the honey you eat. It's going to be a while until he'll be able to harvest any honey...right now they're more like a really awesome pet.


  1. Thanks for the primer. Excellent post.

  2. Do Ben's bees produce enough honey to sell locally? I'm looking for some Brooklyn honey to use medicinally to help with my friend's severe allergies.

  3. i don't think so...its a very small hive....there are people though who i think have managed to get it together....
