Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oingo Boingo T-shirt Art

Oingo Boingo is pretty much one of favorite bands ever. They had their own unique and super weirdo kind of vibe, but were also just incredibly tight....the musicianship was slammin! They also had some of the most AMAZING concert shirts ever! The art is totally crazy, with a very strong recurring Day of the Dead theme that I LOVE.

Very strong Day of the Dead imagery.

This is the pattern througout the ENTIRE shirt....I've never seen this one up close, but I scour ebay all the time for ANY of these shirts....though, usually they are way too pricey for me....

I actually have this on a sweatshirt....I was like, "It's a skeleton....riding a t-rex through the city....while ufos attack....whooooaaaaah!" I also like how the building behind them says "nervous energy"


Sadly, I've not beed able to find exactly who was responsible for all this art. Mark Ryden did a lot of their posters and t-shirts. Georganne Deen did a lot of their album covers, including the iconic "Nothing to Fear" cover.

"Nothing to Fear"


  1. Good work. I'm amazed at how many Oingo t-shirts there are...always see new ones.

  2. theres so much personality in this i likeeee it!!! ^_^
